Delta Dental of Arkansas Tornado Relief 2023

Posted Apr 2023

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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Delta Dental of Arkansas Tornado Relief 2023

Core Value - Focus On Our CommunityWe share the sorrow and grief of our fellow Arkansans who were affected by the horrific tornado on March 31. But Focus on Community is one of Delta Dental of Arkansas’ core business values, and so we have rallied to amplify the efforts of our friends, neighbors and business associates as we started to rebuild and recover.

We are providing

  • monetary donations to emergency relief organizations
  • ·oral hygiene supplies
  • emergency grants to dental providers. Contact the Professional Relations Department of Delta Dental of Arkansas at 501-992-1710 or for more information
  • emergency grants to disaster relief organizations
  • gift cards to replace spoiled food items and damaged household goods and
  • free rental of our supersized grill for outdoor meal preparation

We’re Arkansans. We ❤️ Arkansas.

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Posted by Delta Dental of Arkansas



Posted by Delta Dental of Arkansas

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