Why is My Tongue Sore?! Reasons and Solutions

Posted Nov 2019

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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Tongue pain can signify a variety of troublesome or less-than-serious issues in the mouth. Click to learn why your tongue hurts.
There’s a variety of reasons for tongue pain, and a bitten tongue is only one of them. Most tongue injuries actually happen for other reasons. Here are the most common causes for tongue pain and how to find tongue pain relief:

Tongue Trauma

Biting our tongue can cause major pain, while minor irritation can come from broken teeth or braces. Either way, the tongue can seem like a prime target for injury. If your tongue suffers a mild laceration, rinse the area with clean water and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Consult a medical professional if symptoms worsen or stitches are needed.

Oral Thrush on the Tongue

If you have white bumps on your tongue and or cheeks, you may have oral thrush. This condition, also known as oral candidiasis, occurs when an overgrowth of fungus spreads through your mouth. It’s common in people with compromised immune systems, particularly babies and older adults. Medications like inhalers can also cause oral thrush. Oral thrush is treated with an antifungal medication prescribed by your doctor.

Canker and Cold Sores Causing Tongue Pain

While they are different, both canker and cold sores can appear on the tongue. A cold sore, caused by herpes simplex virus type 1, is a type of blister that can “itch, burn, tingle,” and even leak fluid for typically seven to 10 days. A canker sore is a small ulcer with a gray or white center that occurs inside the mouth. They can also form on the side of the tongue. They can last one to two weeks. While cold sores are contagious, and travel via saliva, canker sores are not. Both can be treated with ointments. Consult your medical or dental practitioner for recommendations.

Burning Mouth Syndrome and the Tongue

BMS is a “painful, complex condition often described as a burning, scalding, or tingling feeling in the mouth.” BMS is common for older adults, and can be more frequent for men than women. It is the result of damaged nerves and can signify other medical problems. Consult your doctor for treatment options if you experience symptoms like this.

Spicy or acidic foods and drinks can cause the tongue to be sore, and can also make tongue soreness worse. If your tongue is sore, consider if you ate salsa, lemonade, or lots of pineapple the prior day to rule this out.

Tongue pain can also be related to other, more serious oral health issues or allergies. If you’re experiencing tongue pain or have concern about your oral health, consult your dentist and/or your doctor to discover the problem and possible treatment avenues. Don’t delay. A trip to the dentist just might save your life. Need a dentist in your area? Click here.

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