Beat the Odds | Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolutions

Posted Apr 2019

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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Beat the Odds | Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolutions


By Shakara Robinson

On January 1st each year, a magic sense of motivation fills the air. New Year’s resolutions are easy to keep for the first couple months, but what about in May? August? November? This year, keep your resolutions with our handy New Year’s resolutions tips!

Only 8% of Americans follow through on their New Year’s aspirations. It’s important to set realistic goals, establish a routine, and plan a schedule for the year. Old habits don’t have to die hard when you’re dedicated to keeping new year's resolutions!

Recharge, rethink and reinvent your resolutions.

How to Start Keeping New Year's Resolutions:

Keep it Achievable.
If your resolutions are to work out more or eat more fruits and vegetables, make your goals reasonable. Plan out how many times a week you’re going to act on your resolution. Keep a calendar so you can ramp up how often you act on keeping New Year's resolutions each month.

If you’re still keeping New Year's resolutions 3, 6, and 9 months in, plan a reward! By adding a competitive element and challenging yourself to reach a reward, you’ve got something to look forward to. Looking for further motivation? Get in a group. Your friends can hold you accountable and you can achieve your goals together!

What to Keep as New Year's Resolutions:

Smile More.
In addition to improving happiness, smiling may even extend your life! In a 15-year-long research study, women were found to have a 48% lesser risk of death from heart disease if they had high scores on the humor portion of a cognitive exam. Men that had high scores in the humor department were 73% less likely to die from infection.

Another study looked at professional baseball players. Those who chose to smile in their baseball pictures lived an average of 5 years longer than players who didn’t smile. These studies provide evidence into how smiling plays a part in living longer.

Be proud to show off your smile! That involves taking care of your teeth. Brush and floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly. 

Get moving.
If you have a gym membership, you know how crowded the gym can get come January 1st. That’s because 74% of Americans surveyed said they wanted to eat healthier and get more exercise as their New Year’s resolution.

Lacking motivation? You don’t have to have a treadmill to work out. Simple household chores like washing the car, gardening, or vacuuming definitely count. So, get moving to benefit your body and smile!

Eat well.
Maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult! In fact, eating nutrient-rich food benefits your physique, mood, and grin. Munch on meals and snacks based on the USDA’s guidelines. Dietary staples include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein and low-fat dairy.
Here’s a simple way to start healthy eating habits: Take an extra 5 minutes each night to plan the next day’s meals. Once you get the hang of it, start scheduling each week’s meals. Cooking at home is healthy and cost-efficient - all it takes is a little preparation!

Set realistic expectations, take baby steps, and celebrate each tiny victory when keeping New Year's resolutions.
Here’s to your healthiest and happiest year yet!

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