Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Possible Complications

Posted Mar 2019

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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Post-operative complications after a dental procedure are rare, but problems after surgery are always a possibility. One common procedure that may have post-operative complications is wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist will talk to you about behaviors to avoid and any symptoms that may occur.

Dental-Exam-with-Female-Dentist-225x300Possible Complications 
Complications after a wisdom tooth extraction, such as a nerve injury for example, can cause numbness or pain. Nerve injury symptoms, though usually temporary, can be permanent in rare cases. Gum infection at the site of the procedure is also a possibility and is indicated by fever and oozing of fluids from the extraction area. Excessive bleeding is a threat too, as is the serious complication of dry socket.

Dry Socket  
Dry socket, or Alveolar Osteitis, is the most common complication that could follow a tooth extraction. This condition can be painful and prolong the healing process. A dry socket occurs when the hole left behind by the extracted tooth becomes infected or when the scab that forms over the hole is removed.

The cause of a dry socket can vary from patient to patient. Post-operational care is important, and patients need to understand that not following your dentist’s instructions can lead to problems. If you have a previous history of dry socket, the chance of getting another one increases. A really difficult tooth extraction could be responsible for the condition too.

Avoiding Dry Sockets 
After your extraction, following every instruction your dentist gives you is the best way to avoid getting a dry socket. Even simple instructions, such as biting down on the gauze packing that is placed on the extraction site after the surgery, have an important role in the healing process.
Actions like sucking on a straw, using tobacco, drinking alcohol or hot liquids and even vigorous rinsing can aggravate your symptoms. Tell your dentist if you have had previous complications of dry socket, so that he or she may advise you of necessary steps you can take to prevent the condition.

So, trust your dentist and feel confident that every piece of advice he or she suggests is for your own good health.

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Posted by Delta Dental of Arkansas



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