Pain Relief for Wisdom Teeth Naturally

Posted Aug 2018

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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By Shakara Robinson

So your wisdom teeth are coming in and your mouth hurts now. What can you do to get relief from wisdom tooth pain? There are a variety of natural pain relievers available to help you ease any anguish you feel from the arrival of your third molars.


Natural pain relief from wisdom tooth pain:


Rinses – Oral rinses allow you to clean the mouth, remove bacteria, and ease pain related to wisdom teeth somewhat easily. Use a homemade salt-water rinse—think 1-2 teaspoons of table salt in a warm glass of water—to cleanse your mouth of bacteria and reduce the amount of pain you’re experiencing. Alternately, using a mouthwash that features menthol—a natural pain reducer—has been shown to help reduce oral pain. Just make sure you dilute the mouthwash as most contain alcohol, as well.


Oil Solutions – There’s a reason that coconut, tea tree and peppermint oils are used as remedies. They all act as anti-inflammatories and analgesics, which means they can be used to reduce swelling and pain due to your pesky wisdom teeth. One tablespoon of coconut oil swashing around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes could be enough to provide natural relief from wisdom tooth pain.


Don’t want to spend a lengthy amount of time with that concoction in your mouth? Opt for equal parts coconut oil and peppermint oil mixed together and dabbed and massaged onto your pain points with a finger. You can also sub tea tree oil for peppermint oil in that equation to get a similar effect, or just put a drop or two straight onto the painful area. Just make sure to spit it out afterward as it should never be swallowed.


Garlic or Cloves – Two items that produce strong flavors when used in cooking both have healing properties that are perfect for soothing that pain in your mouth: cloves and garlic. Cloves of garlic—not to be confused with regular cloves— can be minced and used as a paste or even put directly onto the incoming wisdom teeth to provide relief. Cloves themselves are well known for their ability to help with toothaches and can be used directly or in essential oil form. Just make sure you brush your teeth when you’re done to take that bite out of your breath.


Hot and Cold – Use an ice pack against your jaw or rub an ice cube on your gums to help reduce inflammation, which in turn can alleviate pain. Then, use a heating pad to increase blood flow to the area. Alternate every 15 minutes with a break in between to avoid irritating the area with severe temperature changes.


When your wisdom teeth start coming in, make sure to book an appointment with your dentist before any other problems start to occur. Need to find a dentist in your area? Use our handy search tool.

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