Get the Most from Your Dental Insurance: Summer Checklist

Posted May 2018

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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By Caroline Jacobson

In-between planning road trips and day hikes, take the time to figure out your dental insurance. Chances are you enrolled early in the year, so check-in now to make sure you are utilizing your benefits to the fullest.


Here’s your summer ‘Sun & Fun’ dental insurance checklist:


Schedule your dental appointments.

Summer break is a good time for children to visit the dentist since they won't miss any school. At their summer appointment, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment in about six months, which could give you time to coordinate their winter break with that appointment. Use our search tool to find a dentist near you today.


Make any coverage changes.

Qualifying events for coverage changes include things like getting married, having or adopting a child, moving to a different county or state and changes in your income. Check your plan booklet for specifics on what your plan covers for qualifying events.


Pre plan for enrollment.

Even though you probably won’t have to enroll in dental coverage again until the winter, it is never too early to start planning. If there’s any extensive dental work coming up in the next year, like dental implants or wisdom teeth removal, it is a good idea to figure out what kind of coverage changes you will need to make. View our coverage options here.


Though building the ultimate slip and slide sounds like a more desirable duty for a summer day, checking off a few coverage items will help you glide through the rest of the year.


Coverage questions? Reach out to us on Facebook and Twitter.

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