3 Must-Dos for Individual Plan Holders

Posted Sep 2017

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

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By Caroline Jacobson

Welcome to the world of dental insurance. Signing up for an individual dental plan is one of the best things you can do for your oral and overall health.


But before you can make the most out of your dental benefits, do these 3 things first:


1. Know the details.

How much is your premium? What is your deductible? Is there a waiting period? Knowing these details offhand will help you plan for future needs and prevent future confusion and frustration. Make sure you know what the terms mean too. Check out our Dental Benefits 101, 102 and 103 infographics for help.


2. Submit all information and paperwork.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Missing things such as select paperwork can delay you using your benefits. If you have questions, give us a call to make sure you’re ready to use your coverage.


3. Keep information current.

As your life changes, so can your dental coverage! Make sure to report any life changes – such as marital status, change in family size, relocation or income – as they may factor into your plan coverage and potential savings for next year.


Have any questions? Log in to your account or contact us today .

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Posted by Delta Dental of Arkansas



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